
Gin is a brandy made from a neutral alcohol of agricultural origin that is flavored with aromas or botanicals.
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Gin is a brandy made from a neutral alcohol of agricultural origin (cereals or molasses) which is then flavored with natural or synthetic flavors or botanicals. Botanicals are the spices, herbs and spices used in the creation of a gin. The most common being the juniper berry (which gives it its name) or the coriander seeds. Its flavoring can be done in a natural way, using botanicals, allowing to produce the most qualitative gins. This flavoring gives the "distilled gin" type. This can be done either by infusion of the botanicals, which are then suspended in the still and impregnate the alcohol vapors during their evaporation. Or by maceration of the latter, directly in alcohol. They can on this occasion be distilled or not, with the alcohol after their maceration. The second method of aromatization is carried out in an artificial way. This one gives the gins of type "compound gin". It consists in mixing natural or artificial essences in neutral alcohol. It is used for the elaboration of gin of mass consumption. Moreover, the legislation of gins is very flexible. There are no rules concerning the choice and dosage of botanicals/essences as well as the use of different extraction techniques for the creation of gin. The only existing conventions are that it must be made from a neutral alcohol of agricultural origin, that the taste of juniper berries must be present and that its alcoholic strength must not fall below 37.5%. There are several styles of gin, the main ones being : LONDON GIN": This is a "distilled gin", in which no coloring or flavoring elements are added after distillation. The only addition tolerated is sugar, limited to 0.1 g/liter. When a London gin does not contain sugar, it is called "LONDON DRY GIN". Moreover, the term "London" does not express an origin, but a style that can be reproduced anywhere in the world. OLD TOM GIN: This is considered to be the ancestor of LONDON DRY GIN. It is milder and slightly sweet. PLYMOUTH GIN: This is the only designation of origin that exists for gin. It is produced only by the Blackfriars Distillery (Coates & Co) located in Plymouth.